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The Owner Developer is focused solely on Oak Bend and creating a community with beautiful, sustainable and intelligent buildings that surpass today's standards. The team of experienced builders, designers, architects, real estate professionals and forward thinking investors are working vigorously toward the completion of the community.


Utilizing state-of-the-art construction methodology, the Owner Developer combines luxury with superior strength and design in every detail of Oak Bend. Sexy, smart and sustainable are staples in the thought process. It starts with how to improve the buildings, land and area like any development but this team goes beyond these basic rules. Oak Bend offers strength in construction, intelligent environmental decisions while making a desirable community that residents love!


The Owner Developer has a team with deep knowledge and vast experience in creating new communities. They focus on bringing the highest and best quality professional skills to Oak Bend Townhomes. Together the team brings superior construction, smarter products, better service with re-imagined ideas to improve and sustain a higher quality of life for Oak Bend's residents, the local community and beyond. 

Oak Bend Townhome Logo

Randy Russell

Ownerand Developer

Palm Life Realty Logo Image

Real Estate Brokerage

Strategic Partner


Genreal Contractor

Strategic Partner

Shorelines Design Groups Logo

Design & Architecture

Strategic Partner

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